- very biased part since we only look at one very small gene
- a rapid method of high-throughput, DNA-based identification of multiple species from a complex and possibly degraded sample of DNA or from mass collection of specimens
- 16S rRNA regions for genomic classification
- not ideal, 23S or more gene would be useful, but most reference only exist on 16S
- platform dependent sequence information (short reads is less information)
- usually illumina is used because its cheap, but nanopore data or pacbio will be the future standard since the results are way better
Preparation steps for metabarcoding using Illumina.
Programs to use: + QIIME but its buggy + MOTHUR also buggy + WIMP - what's in my pot nanopore approach, its really good
- α = represents a local habitat/environment/sample
- can be plotted using the
function of thephylosec
package - this is a wrapper featuring 7 plots like "Shannon"
- can be plotted using the
- β = is the differences between two α (samples)
- can be plotted using the
function of thephylosec
package - declare the method first (
ord <- ordinate(physeq, 'NMDS', 'bray'
) - see below for the different β diversity methods
- can be plotted using the
- γ = describes the total diversity of an ecosystem or of all gathered samples
Illustration of α, β, and γ diversity:
Figure: Circles represent α diversity as richness of species (symbols) in a sample (local). Dashed box represents γ diversity (diversity within a set of samples or within a larger region). β diversity describes the differences between samples (β~D~ = similarity; β~P~ = species richness comparision). This is a more complex description and explained in detail in this paper.
β diversity analysis
Plotting your data: PCA versus MDA
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) both eliminate an axis (e.g. from 3D to 2D) while maximizing the variance on the x-axis, see example
- MDA also maximizes the spread of the 2D data
- more information here
- log-transform is used to filter off trivial effects, which could dominate our PCA
without log normalization | with log normalization |
![]() |
![]() |
Which distance method to choose for β diversity?
A overview can be found in this publication.
identities only = binary; Abundance included = quantitative
All methods destinquish whether they exclude or include joint absences:
Metabarcoding - practical
Another detailed tutorial about DADA2 it can be found here we use the DADA2 apporach (very extensive manual and very memory efficient while being fast) is a relatively new method to analyse amplicon data which uses exact variants instead of OTUs
1. Install and Load Packages
- install DADA2 and other necessary packages
- load the packages and verify you have the correct DADA2 version
- downloaded our data in shell
cd MiSeq_SOP
- Assign in R the path to our data to a variable and check it
path <- '~/MiSeq_SOP'
2. Filtering and Trimming the Reads in R using DADA2
- create two lists with the sorted name of the reads: one for forward reads, one for reverse reads
raw_forward <- sort(list.files(path, pattern="_R1_001.fastq", full.names=TRUE))
raw_reverse <- sort(list.files(path, pattern="_R2_001.fastq", full.names=TRUE))
# we also need the sample names
sample_names <- sapply(strsplit(basename(raw_forward), "_"), `[`, 1)
- visualizing the quality of our reads
The quality plots (for reverse) are looking like this:
really bad quality starting at around 150 bp
- Dada2 requires us to define the name of our output files first before trimming
# place filtered files in filtered/ subdirectory
filtered_path <- file.path(path, "filtered")
filtered_forward <- file.path(filtered_path, paste0(sample_names, "_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz"))
filtered_reverse <- file.path(filtered_path, paste0(sample_names, "_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz"))
- for filtering parameters:
(DADA2 requires no Ns),truncQ=2
- maxEE parameter sets the maximum number of “expected errors allowed in a read, which according to the USEARCH authors is a better filter than simply averaging quality scores
out <- filterAndTrim(raw_forward, filtered_forward, raw_reverse, filtered_reverse, truncLen=c(240,160), maxN=0, maxEE=c(2,2), truncQ=2, rm.phix=TRUE, compress=TRUE, multithread=TRUE)
# to see the read output
- DADA2 algorithm depends on a parametric error model and every amplicon dataset has a slightly different error rate
of DADA2 learns the error model from the data and will help DADA2 to fits its method to your data
errors_forward <- learnErrors(filtered_forward, multithread=TRUE)
errors_reverse <- learnErrors(filtered_reverse, multithread=TRUE)
- visualize the estimated error rates
plotErrors(errors_forward, nominalQ=TRUE) + theme_minimal()
The error rates for each possible transition (eg. A to C, A to G (A2G), …) are shown:
3. Dereplication
- Dereplication combines identical reads into "unique sequences" with a corresponding "abundance" (number of reads with that unique sequence)
- highly reduces computation time by eliminating redundant comparisons
derep_forward <- derepFastq(filtered_forward, verbose=TRUE)
derep_reverse <- derepFastq(filtered_reverse, verbose=TRUE)
# name the derep-class objects by the sample names
names(derep_forward) <- sample_names
names(derep_reverse) <- sample_names
4. Sample inference
- applying the core sequence-variant inference algorithm to the dereplicated data
dada_forward <- dada(derep_forward, err=errors_forward, multithread=TRUE)
dada_reverse <- dada(derep_reverse, err=errors_reverse, multithread=TRUE)
# inspect the dada-class object
5. Merge Paired-end Reads
- reads are now trimmed, dereplicated and error-corrected, so we merge R1 & R2 together
merged_reads <- mergePairs(dada_forward, derep_forward, dada_reverse, derep_reverse, verbose=TRUE)
# inspect the merger data.frame from the first sample
6. Construct Sequence Table
- constructing a sequence table of our samples
- a higher-resolution version of the OTU table produced by traditional methods
seq_table <- makeSequenceTable(merged_reads)
# inspect distribution of sequence lengths
7. Remove Chimeras
- this are reads who map to more than one region or contig (so called split-reads)
removes substitutions and indel errors but chimeras remain- We remove the chimeras with:
seq_table_nochim <- removeBimeraDenovo(seq_table, method='consensus', multithread=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# which percentage of our reads did we keep?
sum(seq_table_nochim) / sum(seq_table)
- as a final check of our progress, we’ll look at the number of reads that made it through each step in the pipeline:
get_n <- function(x) sum(getUniques(x))
track <- cbind(out, sapply(dada_forward, get_n), sapply(merged_reads, get_n), rowSums(seq_table), rowSums(seq_table_nochim))
colnames(track) <- c('input', 'filtered', 'denoised', 'merged', 'tabled', 'nonchim')
rownames(track) <- sample_names
head(track) #checking the table we build
##Looks like this:
## input filtered denoised merged tabled nonchim
## F3D0 7793 7113 7113 6600 6600 6588
## F3D1 5869 5299 5299 5078 5078 5067
8. Assign Taxonomy
- now we assign taxonomy to our sequences using the SILVA database
taxa <- assignTaxonomy(seq_table_nochim, '~/MiSeq_SOP/silva_nr_v128_train_set.fa.gz', multithread=TRUE)
taxa <- addSpecies(taxa, '~/MiSeq_SOP/silva_species_assignment_v128.fa.gz')
- inspecting the classification with:
taxa_print <- taxa # removing sequence rownames for display only
rownames(taxa_print) <- NULL
9. Phylogenetic Tree
- creating a multiple alignment
sequences <- getSequences(seq_table)
names(sequences) <- sequences # this propagates to the tip labels of the tree
alignment <- AlignSeqs(DNAStringSet(sequences), anchor=NA)
- build a neighbour-joining tree then fit a maximum likelihood tree using the neighbour-joining tree as a starting point
phang_align <- phyDat(as(alignment, 'matrix'), type='DNA')
dm <-
treeNJ <- NJ(dm) # note, tip order != sequence order
fit = pml(treeNJ, data=phang_align) #changed negative lengths to 0
fitGTR <- update(fit, k=4, inv=0.2)
fitGTR <- optim.pml(fitGTR, model='GTR', optInv=TRUE, optGamma=TRUE, rearrangement = 'stochastic', control = pml.control(trace = 0))
detach('package:phangorn', unload=TRUE)
10. Phyloseq
- we load now pre-prepared meta data for this tutorial
- its a normal tab table or data.frame starting with the sequence name
sample_data <- read.table('', header=TRUE, row.names="sample_name")
- constructing the phyloseq object using our output and the downloaded metadata
- we remove the mock sample, which is some kind of quality control of the whole process (it consists of 20 samples of known connetions)
- for more details about the mock sample look at the extensive tutorial
physeq <- phyloseq(otu_table(seq_table_nochim, taxa_are_rows=FALSE), sample_data(sample_data), tax_table(taxa), phy_tree(fitGTR$tree))
# remove mock sample
physeq <- prune_samples(sample_names(physeq) != 'Mock', physeq)
11. Diversity analysis graphs
α diversity
is fromphyloseq package
. its just a "wrapper" so no calculations. We use the Shannon and Fisher wraper.
plot_richness(physeq, x='day', measures=c('Shannon', 'Fisher'), color='when') + theme_minimal()
β diversity
1. Performed a MDS with euclidean distance (mathematically equivalent to a PCA)
ord <- ordinate(physeq, 'MDS', 'euclidean')
plot_ordination(physeq, ord, type='samples', color='when', title='PCA of the samples from the MiSeq SOP') + theme_minimal()
2. Performed with Bray-Curtis distance
ord <- ordinate(physeq, 'NMDS', 'bray')
plot_ordination(physeq, ord, type='samples', color='when', title='PCA of the samples from the MiSeq SOP') + theme_minimal()
- β diversity (Bray-Courtis distance) looks like this:
Distribution of the most abundant families
top20 <- names(sort(taxa_sums(physeq), decreasing=TRUE))[1:20]
physeq_top20 <- transform_sample_counts(physeq, function(OTU) OTU/sum(OTU))
physeq_top20 <- prune_taxa(top20, physeq_top20)
plot_bar(physeq_top20, x='day', fill='Family') + facet_wrap(~when, scales='free_x') + theme_minimal()
- looks like this
We can place them in a tree
bacteroidetes <- subset_taxa(physeq, Phylum %in% c('Bacteroidetes'))
plot_tree(bacteroidetes, ladderize='left', size='abundance', color='when','Family')
Looks like this: