Illumina - practical
- example workflow with a few steps included
- part of the SLU bioinformatics course
- in general always check the
for each program
1. Cleaning up Reads
gives you an overview whats may be wrong with your reads
N50 is defined as the minimum contig length needed to cover 50% of the genome. It means, half of the genome sequence is in contigs larger than or equal the N50 contig size
PHRED quality score: gives the probability of an incorrect base call for each base. Score 10 = 1 error in 10 bases. Score 20 = 1 error in 100. Score 30 = 1 in 1000 and so on. It's encoded from 0 to 93 as ASCII symbols in the fastq format.
removes adapters and or barcodes, or remove the "overrepresented sequence" that fastqc is reporting * Download Illumina adapter files heresickle
for removal of low quality sequences;-s /dev/null
moves singleton files to trash *multiqc
takes all fastqc reports in this directory and creates and combined html file
fastqc <reads.fastq>
scythe -a <adapters.fasta> <reads.fastq>
sickle pe -f <fileinputfwd> -r <fileinputrev> -o <outputfwd> -p <outpudrev> -t sanger -s /dev/null -q 25
fastqc <trimmed_reads.fastq>
multiqc .
2.a megahit
megahit -1 fwd.fastq.gz -2 rwd.fastq.gz -o m_genitalium
2.b or spades
assembly -k 21,33,55,77 --careful --only-assembler -1 <fwd read>.fastq.gz -2 <rws reads>.fastq.gz -o spade_output -m 16
Quality control
- with
quast m_genitalium.fasta -o m_genitalium_report
3. Index creation
- with
bowtie2-build *ASSEMBLYFILE* *m_genitalium123*
bowtie2 -x *m_genitalium123* -1 ERR486840_1.fastq.gz -2 ERR486840_2.fastq.gz | samtools view -bS -o m_genitalium.bam
is the foldername (created with the first bowtie2 command)
4. Sort with samtools and build a index
samtools sort m_genitalium.bam -o m_genitalium.sorted.bam
samtools index m_genitalium.sorted.bam
5. Starting pylon for missmatch correction
pilon --genome m_genitalium.fasta --frags m_genitalium.sorted.bam --output m_genitalium_improved
6. Quality control
- with
- needs a database (
from busco homepage) - tells you how many conserved genes could be found in the assembly (QC)
wget -i m_genitalium_improved.fasta -l bacteria_odb9 -o busco_genitalium -m genome
-i input
= output of pylon -l
is the database from wget
-m genome
= which type