Nanopore - practical

0. Base calling

# part of my script so variables are assigned to the options -i $currDir/$i -f $flowcell -t $CPU -q 100000 -o fastq -k $kittype -r -s $currDir/FASTQ/

1. QC of reads

assembly-stats ERR1147227.fastq

2. Adapter removal & demultiplexing

porechop -i <input>.fastq -b <output_foulder>

3. Assembly

minimap2 -x ava-ont ERR1147227_trimmed.fastq ERR1147227_trimmed.fastq | gzip -1 > ERR1147227.paf.gz

miniasm -f ERR1147227_trimmed.fastq ERR1147227.paf.gz > ERR1147227.gfa
canu -d run_e.coli -p e.coli genomeSize=6m -nanopore-raw 7718_E.coli_sum.fastq

4. Polishing

bowtie2-build ERR1147227.fasta ERR1147227

bowtie2 -p4 -x ERR1147227 -1 ecoli_hiseq_R1.fastq.gz -2 ecoli_hiseq_R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -bS -o ERR1147227.bam

samtools sort ERR1147227.bam -o ERR1147227.sorted.bam

samtools index ERR1147227.sorted.bam
pilon --genome ERR1147227.fasta --frags ERR1147227.sorted.bam --output ERR1147227_improved