
1. Overview


# installing mkdocs
sudo apt install mkdocs

# installing styles
pip3 install mkdocs-bootswatch

2. Practical steps

2.1 First creation

# create repository via github.vom
# git clone it to the local machine and do on the repository folder:
mkdocs new <repositoryname>
cd <repositoryname>
# change a few things in the mkdocs.yml
# create markdown-files under docs/

# now build the site with:
mkdocs build --clean

# push all changes to your master
git add & git commit & git push # and so on

# push the site
mkdocs gh-deploy

2.2 Working with it, daily

# change files
# now build the site with:
mkdocs build --clean  # clean is important if a style change was done

# push all changes to your master
git add & git commit & git push ....

# push the site
mkdocs gh-deploy

3. Themes and Navigation

Example mkdocs.yml:

site_name: Bioinformatics # your site name
theme: yeti # enter the theme name here
nav: # nav bar at the top of site

- Shell: #name of drop down menu
        - Basics: # second drop down menu
              - Commands: shell/ # content under Shell/Basics/
              - Cloud Computing: shell/ # content under Shell/Basics/
        - File Manipulation (fasta): shell/ # content under Shell/
        - Git: shell/
- Python:
        - Basics:
- R:
        - Basics: