Install commands for Linux:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:iefremov/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ugene
sudo apt-get install ugene-non-free

Download all dependencies for linux ready to go from here

Online Tutorial can be found here

  1. Multiple sequence alignment
  2. Basic sequence operations part 1
  3. Working with multiple sequence alignments
  4. Creating annotations
  5. Annotation qualifiers
  6. Querying remote database
  7. 3D Structure viewer , multiple structure view and image export
  8. Local sequence alignment with Smith-Waterman algorithm
  9. Restriction enzymes
  10. Large alignments
  11. Open Reading Frames
  12. Chromatograms viewer and editor
  13. Finding DNA repeats
  14. Searching for homologs of protein sequence with HMMMER3
  15. Finding DNA tandem repeats
  16. Compare sequences with dotplots
  17. Alignment Editor
  18. Phylogenetic trees algorithms
  19. Transcription binding sites
  20. Profile-to-profile and profile-to-sequence MUSCLE alignments
  21. Workflow Designer